I have no clue what's going on here, it seems like it should be pretty basic, that library is nothing special.

It seems like it is loading the zlib.h ok, but the symbols aren't being linked in? Just to make sure I downloaded the latest zlib and did a make install, no help. Scons: ** Error 1 scons: building terminated because of errors. Ld: symbol(s) not found collect2: ld returned 1 exit status "_gzseek", referenced from: FCEU_fopen(char const*, char const*, char*, char*, int, char const*)in file.o "_gzread", referenced from: FCEU_fopen(char const*, char const*, char*, char*, int, char const**)in file.o

"_gzopen", referenced from: FCEU_fopen(char const*, char const*, char*, char*, int, char const**)in file.o "_gzgetc", referenced from: FCEU_fopen(char const*, char const*, char*, char*, int, char const**)in file.o

"inflateInit2", referenced from: _unzOpenCurrentFile in unzip.o "_inflate", referenced from: _unzReadCurrentFile in unzip.o "_inflateEnd", referenced from: _unzCloseCurrentFile in unzip.o "_compress2", referenced from: FCEUNET_SendFile(unsigned char, char*)in netplay.o FCEUSS_SaveMS(EMUFILE*, int) in state.o "_uncompress", referenced from: NetplayUpdate(unsigned char*)in netplay.o FCEUSS_LoadFP(EMUFILE*, ENUM_SSLOADPARAMS) in state.o _unzReadCurrentFile in unzip.o _unzReadCurrentFile in unzip.o "_crc32", referenced from: CalcCRC32(unsigned int, unsigned char*, unsigned int)in crc32.o "_gzclose", referenced from: FCEU_fopen(char const*, char const*, char*, char*, int, char const**)in file.o "_compress", referenced from: SaveSnapshot() in video.o I got all the dependencies (SDL, GTK+ 2) going and everything but of all things this is now my problem: Undefined symbols: I'm just trying to compile the linux-based FCEUX (NES emulator) on my mac, OS X 10.5 Leopard.